Thursday, April 17, 2014

Foundation Routine

Seriously, what day is it? How long have I been away? Is there a new president?

I'M NOT DEAD! Ok, well parts of me might be at the current moment because school is driving me to the end of my wit…but that is no excuse for my utterly ridiculously long absence from my blog. Really though, I will be more faithful to this page once school ends and I can enjoy the sweet kiss of summer (until summer class starts at least).

I have a video for you today with all of the steps to my foundation routine. As I note in the video, I decided to make this into a video on it's own so that I can save time off of my future ones. I will be updating this as my routine changes, but honestly I have been going pretty steady with my current routine for a long time now and I do not see it changing very much any time soon.

I hope you enjoy!


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