Saturday, January 11, 2014

Welcome to the madness

Before I start posting I thought I should quickly introduce myself. My name is Monica, and I run Schmidty Makeup. Let it be known from the start, I am not a makeup artist! I hope that one day I am but right now I am just an average girl with a passion for the art and beauty of life. On this blog, you will find reviews, first impressions, tutorials, daily life blogs, and occasionally even a picture of my cat or a recipe I really enjoyed. My goal is to be on YouTube by the end of this year, 2014. You will find that I am not good at composing grammatically perfect posts and sometimes I have very little, or too much to say. There is one thing I can guarantee about this site- it will never lack the excitement that I have for makeup, beauty, life, and love. Please follow me and become my friend. Share your interests with me! Tell me what you want to read about! I can't wait to get started and hope you find as much enjoyment in reading it as I do in writing it. Cheers! xox

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