Saturday, January 11, 2014

My First Mac Palette!

I think everyone can agree that picking 15 colors from the 136 (or so) that Mac has to offer can be a very trying task. It took me a year before I finalized my choices for my first pro palette, and here are the results! Of course, you will notice that there are 17 shadows in my palette. I decided not to use the insert that comes with it because it allows you more space (about 8-10 extra shadows depending on how you arrange them). I de-potted two shadows I already owned and threw those bad boys in with the rest.

Here are what the shadows look like with flash. These are all neutrals, most are matte, but I do have some shimmer, frost, and veluxe pearl in there. These are the types of shades that I would wear on a day to day basis, and fit a wide range of skin tones and eye colors.

Here they are without flash. A tad bit more true to color. In case its hard to read- from left to right, top to bottom, we have the following shades: woodwinked (veluxe pearl), satin taupe (frost), amber lights (frost), goldmine (frost), coppering (veluxe pearl), omega (matte), soft brown (matte), brown script (matte squared), embark (matte), mystery (satin), twinks (veluxe pearl), wedge (matte), cork (satin), swiss chocolate (matte), saddle (matte), texture (velvet), shadowy lady (matte).

Here is my version of an everyday smokey eye that I use my mac palette for. I used soft brown, saddle, and embark. Simple as that! The possibilities, however, are endless. I've already started planning my next pro palette - which will be COLORS! 
(photo quality isn't the best, i know. Level with me, i'm still learning!) 

cheers! xox

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