Thursday, April 17, 2014

Foundation Routine

Seriously, what day is it? How long have I been away? Is there a new president?

I'M NOT DEAD! Ok, well parts of me might be at the current moment because school is driving me to the end of my wit…but that is no excuse for my utterly ridiculously long absence from my blog. Really though, I will be more faithful to this page once school ends and I can enjoy the sweet kiss of summer (until summer class starts at least).

I have a video for you today with all of the steps to my foundation routine. As I note in the video, I decided to make this into a video on it's own so that I can save time off of my future ones. I will be updating this as my routine changes, but honestly I have been going pretty steady with my current routine for a long time now and I do not see it changing very much any time soon.

I hope you enjoy!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

REVIEW :: Melt Cosmetics Matte Lipstic


I've been following Lora Arellano (@lora_arellano) on Instagram for as long as I can remember. Soon after I discovered her, I found her friend (and now colleague) Dana Bomar (@DANABOMAR). They are amazing makeup artists in the California area who have inspired me so many times I should probably write them a letter of gratitude. Basically, when I heard they were teaming up to create a line of lipsticks I knew I was going to have to try them out. The only problem was that they are very costly at 19$ a tube so it took me awhile before I could fit them in to my budget. I didn't want to just buy one after all! I finally found a couple extra bucks in my pocket and picked up three tubes last week. So shall we dive in to the good, the bad, and the ugly about Melt Cosmetics? I think so!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Simple Everyday Eyeshadow Tutorial

Hello Fabulous People! Here is my tutorial for a very simple makeup look that pretty much anyone can achieve and look fantastic in. I paired a very neutral eye with a bold, matte, red lip to keep things interesting. I hope you enjoy the video and please let me know if you have any feedback! I am still trying to figure out my film style so bear with me as I play around a little more! As always thank you so much for visiting and I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

REVIEW :: NYX Primal Colors Collection

"Unleash your inner theatrical makeup artist with these incredible pressed pigments. Creates a variety of special effects with the ultimate in staying power."
Well unleash my inner theatrical makeup artist I shall! I was super pumped when I saw this new collection in the NYX aisle of Ulta. I wasn't even planning on making a huge purchase-- I had just gone in to buy a new eyeliner. These shades, for 5$ each, were too much of a steal to pass up. I swatched each color at the store and found that the pigmentation was unreal. They felt so velvety and soft I was almost stunned to see that they were retailing for such a low price. Needless to say I picked up the entire collection (minus the black shade because that was sold out) and took to playing with them immediately. I have no real experience with using colors this bright so it made me a little skeptical to throw them on my face; but I  had a lot of fun using them and cannot wait to become more comfortable with wearing them.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Hey Guys! Ok please excuse my almost month long absence from this blog. There are two reasons why I haven't posted in so long. The first reason is because ever since school and my new job started I have simply been swamped! School must come first even though I would so much rather run a blog as a full time job. The second reason is that I started to get really unhappy with the quality of my pictures due to bad lighting and not knowing enough about the camera I was using. The good news is that I bought a lighting kit and have learned so much about my camera/photography in this almost month long absence. I have been really happy with the results of this so you should start seeing posts from me again! I am going to try to get a post up at least once a week, but I don't want to make any promises as sometimes my weeks are more busy than others.

So to the good stuff-- I posted my first video on to YouTube tonight! Please watch, rate, like, and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss out on any videos!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sigma Enlight

Here is a look I created using the Enlight Collection by Sigma. It is just a basic day look that could easily be transformed into a night look. I will be posting a full review of the collection in a couple days!

  • Eyeshadow base in 'Awake'
  • 'Fawn' eyeshadow all over the lid with Sigma E52 brush
  • 'Cinnamon' eyeshadow blended all over the crease as a transition shade with MAC 224 brush
  • 'Russet' eyeshadow blended through crease with MAC 217 brush
  • 'Warm Stone' eyeshadow in outer V area with Sigma E34 brush
  • 'Sugar Milk' eyeshadow as brow bone and inner tear duct highlight with Sigma E54 brush
  • Lower last line with Sigma E34 brush and 'Warm Stone' and 'Russet' eyeshadows
  • 'Eclipse' eyeliner along upper and lower water lines
  • Lorac Front of the Line liquid liner for wing
  • Eyelashes are Ardell Demi Wispies 

  • Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in Ebony
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Gel in Clear


Friday, January 17, 2014

A BEGINNERS GUIDE TO: Sculpting and Filling in Eyebrows!

I get asked a lot about my eyebrows and how I shape/fill them in, so I figured I would write this post to help some of the people out there who are a little timid when it comes to doing their own brows. Eyebrows are, in my opinion, the most important part of your face. Eyebrows shape a persons face and have the ability to take their makeup looks to a whole new level. Think about the photos online of celebrities without eyebrows and how different they look! There are so many possibilities as to how you can make your eyebrows look. There is the classic bold brow, which is my personal favorite. You also have the ombre brow, the natural brow, and apparently these days its a "thing" to have bleached brows (gross). Don't even get me started on the different shapes you can create! But, since this is a beginners guide we won't even go there. Lets just touch the basics….for now anyway.